I currently live in a city where there's alot of car theft and would like to know what i can do to prevent me car from being stolen

I currenlty own a 2000 honda civic dx and had my insurence acually go up because there's alot of car thefts where i live. Especially for hondas!
I was looking online and never really noticed just how easy it is to steal a honda eapecially the older types like 2000 down.
I learned that you don't even need the same key or the same year! To open my car door. All you need is a key from another honda and with a bit of practice you can open the door like if it was the key for the car to begine with.
Would it be possible to swapp out the key for a different one possibly one that wouldnt be compatible with another homda civic key?
What els can i do to keep my car save?
I don't have a garage so its street parking.


Get a German Shepard and have it sleep in the car.

A very visible anti-theft device around the clutch and steering wheel.

Step 1 will be to never keep anything of any value in the car, so it won't matter if it gets stolen. If your car is empty inside, that will reduce the incentive to break into it. Second: find the fuel pump relay under the dashboard and make it easy to remove and take with you. It should be about a 1 inch cube with three or four wires and a plastic connector; when that relay is missing, the car won't start because the engine will get no fuel. When you return to your car, just plug the relay back in and away you will go. If the relay is really awkward to get to, have an automotive electrician install a kill switch under the dashboard or in the glove compartment to achieve the same effect.

Third: install an alarm with the loudest siren possible INSIDE the car, so it will be both very unpleasant for a thief to be inside the vehicle trying to steal it, and less annoying for your neighbors if it goes off at random while parked with the doors and windows closed. I sympathize with your problem since I have had cars and bicycles stolen and tampered with in what I thought were OK neighborhoods.

Hi so yes old cars are so easy to take.

Just don't buy a car. Problem solved.

Pick a car that isn't as likely to be stolen. Don't leave anything of value in the car
where it can be seen by someone walking by. Don't park your car where it would be hidden. Install a burgular alarm or a kill switch.

Put a wheel lock on. Something like below. They see something like that and they are moving on unless they see something in the car they want.


Just make sure you are well insured. I don't like your odds. An alarm and a kill switch sounds fool-proof to me. But a criminal can do damage to a car even if he doesn't get to drive it.

While you are worried about increased insurance premiums over auto theft especially for Honda s as you are worried your civic could be taken when thieves could use any key less remotes before using the VIN to get the code. Another way to prevent those from taking your civic is to locate the under hood fuse panel and pull the fuses for the fuel pump relay and ECM. Another way is to invest in a club device that connects the steering wheel to the clutch pedal if you have a manual as thieves would have to depress the clutch to start the engine.

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