Steering wheel Vibration?

Ok so I hit a curb with my old rims. The wheel was bent. So I decided to get 4 new rims and tires since I didn't like the old ones. After the new rims and tires were put on they were balanced perfectly and given a perfect wheel alighnment. Yet when I drive. The faster I go. The more the steering wheel vibrates. What gives? Could it be a rim or tire that isn't perfect? I bought the rims online by the way. They are remanufactured Honda OEM rims. I have a 2011 civic. The mechanic checked everything and said nothing is bent. This is driving me crazy

Please stop saying PERFECT. Nothing in this world is perfect. Go to where you had it aligned and tell them what is happening. When they balanced the tires they should have noticed if you had a bent rim. And nobody on earth can "check everything" on a car. Inaccurate figures of speech drive me crazy.

I'm guessing that part of the suspension was damaged when you destroyed the wheel, because obviously EVERYTHING else is PERFECT.

Where your new wheels properly balanced? A balance problem will indeed cause a shake or vibration. If the tires and wheels are indeed balanced properly you then have a damaged or faulty suspension component. Get your wheels re-balanced and go from there.

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