What is a fair amount of money to graduate Highschool with?

I have a 2007 Honda civic & a 2012 nissan altima both payed for by myself. I have $2k saved up my goal is to have atleast $8k saved up before I graduate in June. I'm just seeing if this seems pretty solid in contrast to other people in my position or if I'm behind.




There's no way to compare what a high school student has.
- in California with minimum wage at $12 an hour, you are going to earn a lot more than someone in Louisiana where minimum wage is $7.25 an hour.
- some parents will require their teenagers to pay for everything and others nothing.

Are you paying for the insurance on both those cars? Why have 2 cars?

Are you doing guys behind the bleachers for $ ?

Very solid

You sound better off than most but why do you need 2 cars. I'd sell one of them just to not have to pay the extra insurance.

The gift you give your teen to celebrate her high school graduate could be practical joining, the military or entering the work force money is likely to be much appreciate, adding value to something your teen already uses makes an awesome gifts. Whether student in you life is fishing middle school, high school or college money is a common gift for graduate. A middle school graduation is not an event that tends to get as much hype as a high school or college graduation.

I probably had less than $800 and a $700 car. Min wage was $3.15 then.

If you really paid cash for both cars and saved $2000, that's great.

Now sell one of the cars because insuring both when you can only drive one is stupid. Why did you even buy the 2nd one?