What is the best course of action to get out of a financed car with another signer on the title?

My friend and I financed a Honda Civic 2017 earlier this year. Both our names are on the title. My friend uses the vehicle for He has been in two accidents- both times he was at fault transporting passengers. He continues to provide transportation services without any inspection of the vehicle despite clear physical damages and quite possibly damages that might endanger the occupants. I was told even though I do not use the car, I would still have liability for the fact my name is on the car. I have been proactive contacting Lyft and regarding this accident but was brushed off. I believe this is a clear act of negligence and would not want any association with him or the vehicle if something were to happen. What are the proper steps to resolve this issue? I have considered surrendering the vehicle but hesitant and unsure if that I'm allowed because he has made majority of the payments due to the fact I do not utilize he car.

You put yourself in a position of liability, which I fail to understand since he planned to use it for business and you, not at all. The ONLY way to remove yourself from liability would be if he refinanced it in his name alone and you both signed the title to him alone. If he does not qualify for refinancing or buying out the loan - paying it off in full, then you are stuck. Don't do something like that again without thinking first.

I would pay the vehicle off, get a lien release, and then get your name off of the title.

The only way is for your friend to refinance the car in his own name. You can't dis-associate yourself as long as you are a co-owner. Let me guess, you had good credit and your friend didn't?

You can't. Without paying off the car.

This is exactly what you signed up for.

Why did the other party not get his own loan? If it is because of bad credit that means the person had problems paying bills, either due to lack of income, or willingness, no matter.
Pardon the directness, but you asked the question not me, why are you calling Uber or Lyft. Proactive about what? You are the Uber driver accident notification person? This is your deal work it out. Yourself.

This is how it works. A person is told to never jointly own a car, that advice is ignored.
The person jointly owns the car then a month later realizes… Oh that is why everyone always says never own a jointly held vehicle.
There's very little you can do. And since he is using that for Uber the miles and damage are racking up, and the value is dropping.
What is the loan balance?
Say it is 20,000, tell the other party if they can come up with (making up numbers) $15,000 then you will pay $5,000 and sign over the title to them.
Or ask them to double up the payments. Tell them for every double payment they make you will send in $100, the idea is to pay off the loan and get the car out of your name.
And you are at risk. If there's an accident and major damages, injury or a death, you can expect to be sued, and unless you have commercial insurance, they will decline coverage as this is a business vehicle, and you can expect the lawsuits to last 2-5 years.
Hope it works out.

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