New alternator doesn't fit or it really hard to get in to the bracket, what should I do?

I have a Honda Passport 1998, and I replace the alternator for it. I did check the new one and the old one, they are just the same. The problem is when I install new one, it hard to get in to the bracket even I try to wiggle and hammer it by wooden block. Should I grind the new alternator? Or is there any good solution for it?

Without looking at your installation, I would try to find out why it won't fit. Maybe there's a bolt that has to be loosened. There isn't much play. If you don't slide it into the bracket almost nearly straight, it won't fit. Look for a bushing in the bold holes that may have shifted.

It could be a wrong alternator for your car.

I'm not super familiar with that model, but on a few cars I've changed alternators on, I've found a bushing with a 'boxy-O' shape, you have to push it in a little bit. The alternator should have very little to no wiggle room if it is the correct alternator for your vehicle. Sometimes aftermarket refurbished parts can be a hassle.

I believe your last answer may right you may have the wrong alternator when you bought the alternator did you give them the make model and serial number this is the first thing you do when ordering parts