How do I change a water pump on a 2000 Honda Passport 3.2L V6 and what tools are required?

I could really use some detailed instructions as well as some diagrams if possible. If I need to change the timing belt I will need instructions on how to do that exactly with a diagram so I don't trash my engine.

I searched the internet before coming here to ask the question. No dice.

I would suggest searching YouTube on your specific vehicle for the help you are seeking.

When you used google to find it, the isuzu rodeo popped up. Guess what? It's the same thing. Before you start, buy one of these

Buy a service manual - the fact that you are compelled to ask here and about the tools (and not a honda forum) says you are really in over your head - might be worth the grand it costs to have someone do it for you. HOWEVER not saying it is impossible if you are methodical and have some mechanical skills - helps to have a friend for guidance as you need it…

Do a search on youtube if you really think taking a chance playing mechanic and ruining your motor is a good idea.
The timing belt job on that motor isn't for amateurs.
You'll either be one tooth off on the back cam gear or you'll end up with bent valves!

There's no shame in admitting you don't know how to do it. That's a complicated repair, it involves taking the engine apart. I paid someone to change my water pump.

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