How much to replace a headlight and a drivers side panel on an older honda?

I'm only 16, saturday night was homecoming. I was driving a bigger truck and didn't turn wide enough when pulling out and my tire clipped his driver side panel and ripped out headlight. I know the kid and his front bumper was already gone before I hit it. How much do you think itll cost in all to fix?

A replacement fender painted to match and installed is probably $250 on the high side. Headlight housing on a older honda can probably be found at the junk yard for $30-50, then add $30 for new bulbs if the old ones are busted.

So I say $350 is a good estimate for the repair, but don't forget that there could be more damage on the inside OR the fender can be hammered back out and touched up for cheap. $350 seems like a good median.