Interested in becoming a sales manager. Have been selling cars for 4.5 years, I'm 25 years old. Need advice?

Currently selling cars at a Honda store (new and used) for 4.5 years. I'm 25 years old and been wanting to obtain a manager's position for quite some time now. My concern is if I'm still too young. I noticed people don't become managers until their late 20's or 30's+. I want to take on more responsibilities as well as provide motivation for sales people and take on the role of inventory management and deal with customers.

An opportunity has risen for a General Sales Manager position at our local furniture store "The Brick", of course I have no experience with furniture besides being a consumer, all of my experience is within the auto industry. I worked at Canadian Tire Auto Parts in high school, a local GM dealer in Parts for 2 years, and then of course sales to present.

I just need advice as to what I may need to brush up on in order to confidently apply for this position.

I work in sales. Unfortunately age discrimination is alive and well. Often when people think of age discrimination they think of old people being discriminated against, but often younger people are not respected just because they are young or they look young. I went on some job interviews in my mid 20's for 80k-90k jobs and I never got a call back.

I'm 35 now and have finally landed a really good job in software sales. Some of thing that may help us baby faced people: grow some facial hair, get some good experience, always treat the older people with respect (even though we know we're smarter than most of them). Good luck

Even if you get turned down for a job learning how to job inteview is an extremely important skill. Practice makes perfect. When you get the call for that perfect job you will be well prepared.

If I were you I would create resume that focuses on your success and make it bullet pointed and easy to read:

*assisted manager with training employees

* was top sales reprresentative for may/2013

etc, etc.