Honda CBR954RR As First Bike?

Okay so I have been on the road since I was 12 years old I started out on a 70cc 2 stroke Moped.
Then when I was 13 I traded the moped and got a 150cc Scooter. Then at 14 I sold the scooter and bought a Honda Rebel 250 and I rode it around my town for about 2 years and I learned how to shift and all that. So basically I have been riding on the road for 4 years. And not once have I ever had any accidents or even close calls. I'm a very responsible rider, I know my limits. I have been around fast bikes since I was 5 years old. And I can very much say that I know what i'm doing. My friend who is 18 is selling a very nice cbr954 and he said he will sell it to me for 1,500 bucks! And I'm 16 have my license and I'm pretty experienced. Would that be a crazy jump? Please not: I'm not going out here doing wheelies and ****. I just want a clean nice bike. I can't even get a f4i for that price. I just want to know that if I know my limits. Would this be a terrible bike for me?

Going from a Honda Rebel 250 to CBR954 is just asking for trouble. I know you are young and excited, but it's too much bike for you even with your experience. You'll drive your mother to drink if you get it! Whatever you do, be careful, friend.

Going from a Rebel to a liter-class bike is a HUGE step, don't trip!

"And I can very much say that I know what i'm doing"

You've rode a 250cc 4 stroke, the power increase will be astonishing. Perhaps if you rode something like a 600cc super-sports instead, then you might have less problems.

I had a 125cc un-restricted 2 stroke (More than likely quicker than your 250 Rebel), I passed my test and went to a 400cc super-sports. The power increase was great, and even I was shocked at how quick it was thinking that my 125cc was pretty quick. I imagine that if I went to a CBR954RR straight after passing, I probably wouldn't be writing this now. Even though I had 4 years road experience aswell, with no accidents.

Ask "your friend" if you can take it for a ride (not just around the block)
Then "you" make the decision.
You might like it, or you might think it's a little too big to enjoy.

Question: Honda CBR954RR As First Bike?
Answer: Pitiful. Pitiful bike on the street. Merely acceptable on the race track. For anyone, not just a beginner.

Okay, you are a scofflaw, think you are smart, safe, a " very responsible rider." So what the Hell are you looking at a 150 bhp 180 mph motorcycle for? Eh?

The Rebel is an excellent motorcycle for a "very responsible rider" -- quicker than 99+% of drivers, can cruise at 70mph down the Interstate for hours. I'm 67, am responsible, and I ride a Vespa 150 on the Interstates for hours.

So are you a "very responsible rider", or are you bullshzitting or you want a toy for playing racer?
Or if you want a bit more speed and STYLE -- in which case you want a little Ninja250, capable of cruising at 85 mph all day long and tops out at about 100.

I wouldn't bro. My first sport bike was a 929rr and it was a little too much. Before the 929 I rode Harleys for 13 years. I think the best bike for a beginner would be the 04-14 CBR 600 RR. It has a great powerband and with a few mods you can outrun way bigger bikes. The problem with the 954 is you most likely will scare yourself if your not used to enough torque to spin the tire in any gear.