Most suitable motor bike for me?

I'm a learner in motor bicycle and just started from yesterday from my uncle's bike (Honda CD50). I have riding balance and poor in accelerator and gearing. My uncle said that if you can't handle his bicycle it will hard in new generation bikes. I'm planning to buy Pulsar 150 or 135 or Honda Unicorn or HH Hunk. What will be more suitable for me in this condition of my skill.

I'm more preferring style, safety and a bike above 125cc. Please advice me best bike for me and whether I can handle this capacity bike.

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This is more difficult then making other peoples decisions. We don't even know where you live and what you are using it for.

Learning how to drive, one can take lessons from more than just one school. Where I live people lend the bikes for training. When you could not ride enough motorbikes to get an idea, then go to the dealers. Often they can inform you about test events. Second hand motorbikes are demonstrated and for you to try. When this does not help then go and rent motorbikes. Either from a store or from people who have one of your choice for sale.

Every motorbike is difficult to handle at first. From experience I depict; getting the weight under control and feet off the steps to the ground, braking and getting trough any bend in the road at all.

The lightest category is hard to ride. That is why the power band is often narrowed. They can't keep up with traffic and are surpassed. Visible on the road aren't those either, even when riding in plain view of peoples mirrors. It is not only the hardware lacking comfort. You can't concentrate your thoughts as everything seems to flash by in an extraordinary manner. This is why I personally do not recommend buying motorbikes with small footprint. Don't invest in it until you are older or more confident.

You take quite a bit of a risk because accidents may set you back years and all of education, jobs, earnings, friendships and dreams can be lost. When you learn right, follow advanced rider courses, evaluate video's on YouTube, read from and communicate with other riders, then even the biggest bike would not oppose a problem and not many take more then one step back in size. Have fun and keep the airspeed under control.

You are actually looking at more what I would call a moped just in motorcycle styling. IF you plan on driving on a road I recommend a 500cc at minimum and 600 a maximum and not a sporty 600. If you just want to practice look at a 250 honda rebel or kawasaki ninja, or a 500ninja if on road.

Motorcycles basically balance themselves moving, that really takes no skill. I would recommend the 500 ninja, it has just enough power to be safe. A easy to use and shift transmission and decent acceleration but not really fast.

For Mr. Alfred W
Thank you very much fro your advice. Actually i'm 25 years old and I want this motor bike to got to my office daily and I'm living in India. Actually I'm not at my home town and living in uncle's place for convince to ride to office.
My only option is my uncle's old bike and plan to practice initially by it and then from a new bike from end of this month. I don't know whether it is a stupid idea.
And initially plan to buy a light weight bike (Bajaj CT100, etc) but most of my friends said that buy a some sort of wight bike since it helps to maintain the balance. That is why I thought to buy either pulsar 150 or Honda Unicon or HH Hunk.
Please help me since I haven't a decent knowledge in motor bikes.