What is the meaning of this light?

I took my Honda car to a garage to have the front Shock absorbers replaced. That was two days ago. Today after driving for sometimes, the check-engine light went on. The car has only gone approximately 500 Km. I'm at a loss why this light is on. Secondly, is it OK if I drive it for three more days till I get a chance to check into a garage? What would this result into?

" I'm at a loss why this light is on "

The ECU has found there's a problem with the engine somewhere.

"Secondly, is it OK if I drive it for three more days till I get a chance to check into a garage? What would this result into? "

Depends on the problem, it could be something minor or by driving it you could potentially wreck the engine. You need the codes read.

Until someone connects a diagnostic tool up to it, no telling why that light is on. Usually it isn't necessary to immediately get it fixed, so driving it 3 more days should be fine, as long as it isn't overheating, having low oil level or pressure, or an engine miss. Is it running okay? Have you looked under the hood and cchecked fluid levels?

Unrelated to shock replacement.