1997 Honda accord 2.2L non vtech. Oil pressure light and overheating?

The oil pressure light came on and it started leaking coolant. There's no oil/coolant mix when I checked. I replaced the radiator, hoses, thermostat, changed the oil, oil filter, air filter. Regular maintenance. I haven't driven it since the oil light came on to avoid any further damage. I'm ruling out blown head gasket. Car starts fine, but then ten minutes passes by and the oil light comes on and coolant leaks from the radiator. I turn it off immediately. Could the oil pressure sensor or something be wrong not allowing coolant to flow to cool the oil? Any answer helps. Thanks. It is a 1997 Honda accord 2.2L non vtech with 164k miles on it.

Try a heavier weight oil like 10-40 or 5-50, 5-20 and 5-30 is for new cars even 10-60 would be worth trying in summer

Get a pressure gauge plumbed in temporarily and the just crank it without starting it will tell you if the sender or the pump is the issue.
DO NOT rule out the head gasket. Once you have sorted your oil pressure get a combustion products test done.