Explain for me why the A/C compressor of my 2009 Honda Accord died at 69500 miles? - 1

Can anyone explain for me why the A/C compressor of my 2009 Honda Accord died at 69500 miles?

Simple they made it on Fri or Monday when quality control is low.

Could be a small leak allowing air into the system causing your compressor to fail? Who knows… That's not common

Maybe your system is low of Freon if you refill it don't use AC/PRO no shop will accept your car to evac the system because it damages there machines (learned the hard way) buy stuff with no leak protection its better fill it up if your compressor still not running its probably gone if you have a leak all you compressor oil could of came out and ran the compressor dry. Sorry to say but a new compressor cost about $600 for the part

It's hard to say, but if one of those store recharge kits has been used that explains it. The chances of overcharging or undercharging with those is very high and even a few ounces either way can chew up a compressor.