Electric scooter accident with car?

I was riding my electric scooter up to Target at 8 at night and I was going 20 mph the scooters top speed and I hit a Honda accord who made a quick left in front of me. I slammed both brakes and hit the car about 10-12 mph I had a bleeding thumb and a handlebar rash but no broken bones and his accord had a broken windshield and minor body damage to side and mirror. The electric scooter was totaled with a bunch of bent parts on its front end. The scooter saved me a couple of broken bones in my legs and ankles because the front of the scooter protected my from the moving car. Anyways my scooter did not have lights on it and the intersection it happened at was well lit up with street lights. One car going faster than me because the speed limit was 40 and I was in the bike lane, that car cleared the intersection and he stared making his left and I slammed my brakes and hit the car. He wasn't injured at all just his car got banged up, and now he wants to sue. Can he sue?

(The scooter is under homeowners insurance, and their battling nationwide about the suing deal he has.)

(The police came and wanted to see the scooter and said it was legal to be in all bike lanes because it's fully electric no gas, can't exceed 25 mph, and no license required on the scooter.)

I'm 15 if it makes any difference.

Added (1). And how can he sue when I had right of way and a perfectly legal electric scooter?

He's probably trying to scare you off from sueing him…

Write and remind him that the Police attended and confirmed you were legally in the correct lane and he turned across you, causing the accident.

Make sure your insurance are also aware of the police attending and make sure they get a copy of the officers report on the accident.

Do not under any circumstances talk on the phone about it - if he or any insurance company, agents etc. Call, just tell them to put it in writing.

Keep repeating that if they try to harass you & don't say anything else (except Goodbye.) - it's a common tactic to try avoid any evidence of conversations or threats/claims/agreements that they can't back up.

Also be aware that solicitors/lawyers/insurance agents can and do lie in connection with claims - they only have to be honest with the side paying their bill, they can say absolutely anything to the "other side" if they think it will help them win or get out of paying claims.

(And make sure your family know this in case anyone else answers the phone).

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