I drive a honda accord 2012, is that emberassing or what?

I'm 23

Why would that be embarrassing? I could really care less what my friends and coworkers drive. It has no effect on my opinion of them.

Not if you decide to rock it.

Well if you are that conceded and that embarrassed by it. Then i will be happy to take it off your hands.

IF you don't like it,… And it's not " Cool Enough "… WALK

23 years old and a nerd I'd say. WTF is wrong with you?

I know of THOUSANDS of young men that would be THRILLED to drive a 4-year-old Honda Accord. Most of them can't afford to drive much of ANYTHING. Be happy with what you have and if you are embarrassed to drive it, then GO GET A JOB AND EARN enough money to buy something that YOU think is "cool".

I suspect that's not the only thing you should be embarrassed about