Thinking about purchasing a 2004 Honda Accord?

The car has 180,000 miles on it and I just need to know what I need to watch out for when it comes to the model. The guy I'm buying it from says it will last forever and that it has been well maintained. I have no idea what has been replaced and what hasn't. Any knowledge is helpful thanks guys.

Umm… No car lasts forever. Prior to the 2000s (roughly) you were doing pretty good to get 150,000 miles out of a car. With rare exceptions now, most better brand cars (like toyota or honda or suzuki in particular) will last about 250,000 miles before they start getting too expensive to keep on the road. ASSUMING they are always well maintained.

Even for a 2004 model, that particular Accord has a lot of miles on it. Assuming it has been well maintained, I would expect it to last about four years before I would need to replace it. I generally feel about used cars that you should pay no more than $1000 USD for each year that you think the car has left on it.

So if you feel comfortable buying it… Have a good mechanic give it the once-over. If the mechanic likes it, maybe pay up to $4000 for it. At most.

First of all, don't listen to the guy selling it (unless he's your friend, family member, or mechanic, and even then be careful). Get it checked out BEFORE you decide to buy it. If it really has been "well-maintained", it can last for years.

180000 miles is approaching the end of the car's life. This model is one of the best accords there's. They fixed the transmissiob problems they had with earlier models. They can go to 300k miles if very well maintained but not every time.