What type of honda engine can I use to replace the engine of my honda accord v6 1997 model?

What type of honda engine can I use to replace the engine of my honda accord v6 1997 model? - 1

Hi so what is so wrong with a re-conditioned engine it would give the same performance as the car did when new. This engine swapping ideas seems to for get it has a brain which goes with the modern engine and transmission setup the engine needs it's own management system to work well. So you would knee dot re-configure and engine changes and parameters as well. Since the engine management computers where brought into being part of a car back in 1985 this facts seems to have been over looked by mostly American kids who think they can muck about with engines like there grandfathers dis back in the 1950 and 60's. This is not the case these days.

Why would you want to? After the engine swap the car will still be worth at most $2,000, about half of what the engine swap is going to cost.