Would you put down on a new car?

Or get your oil leak fix? I have a 97 Honda accord. But I would like to get a civic year 2007. Here's a pic below but my current car already paid off.

Your old car is ~18 years old. End of Life.

Trading it on a newer Honda is probably a sensible choice. Buy that Civic, and you should be good for another 10 years.

I recently traded my 97 Corolla BZ on a 07 Toyota Blade, same sort of thinking.

How bad is the oil leak? How many miles? Are there any other issues? If you feel like you always need to fix it, you might as well, get the newer car even if you will have a monthly payment.

The very best thing to do, would be to fix the oil leak, and start saving as much as you can for another car. So when it dies (or more accurately, when it needs a repair that is too expensive), you will hopefully have enough money by then.