If you drove a '95 Honda civic into a tree head on, what are your chances of dying?

I feel like it would most likely be instant death because of the sudden stop and you cud slam your head on steering wheel, etc etc.

Honda Civic. Apparently, in the USA, children do not learn in school to capitalize proper names. The generalities of this incorrect statement are obvious. The use of the term "you" is abundant in those who text ad nausum gazillions times per day. "What are the chances of getting killed in a head on collision with a large tree at 76 MPH while driving a 1995 Honda Civic?" More data is required. Would the driver be wearing a seat belt or not? Would the air bags be deactivated or not? Would this be going downhill or uphill? Is there only one tree? Would the surface be dirt, grass, gravel or paved? Has the car being damage before? In my are, one lunatic, was driving over 100 MPH in a crowded Interstate (yes, it is correctly capitalized) on the break down lane and hit a car that was pulled over due to a flat tire. The driver of the car survived. The owner of the car that was hit was killed. If this data resolves the issue as to a collision, then, that is an answer to your question. This Audi TT was crashed at high speed and hit some structures. If you look carefully, you shall notice that the driver area was pretty much OK. The driver survived.If you drove a 95 Honda civic into a tree head on, what are your chances of dying - 1

Head on into a tree at 1 MPH? I can't imagine the amount of nothing that will happen. Well except for maybe a little paint damage if the bark on the tree is really hard.

How big of a tree we talking? 100 year old Redwood or 1 year old tree? 1 year old tree won't stand a chance, the car will kill it for sure.

Depends not only on the make of the car you are driving but also the speed at which you hit the tree, chances of surviving would be better in a better built car of which there are many.

Depends what sort tree they're driving into. If it's it a strawberry tree or holly tree they'll prob just mess up there car. But if it's an oak tree there ******

Steering wheel is not what you would hit. You would fly over it into the windshield if you are not wearing your seat belt.

Here are the things you should consider:
-Your speed. If you go at 1 kph, well, You'll be fine.
-Tree height
-Tree strength
- airbags

This depends how fast you impacted the tree i assume full speed 50-60mph?

"slam your head on steering wheel,"


Air bags would stop that, chances are you could walh away unhurt.

Speed x force depends, some can die at 30 mph, others at 100

Depends on a few thousand other variables.

Try it and let us know what happens

In 95, Honda had impressive crash test results. From my calculations using crash test data from the 95/96 model year, a healthy adult wearing seat belts and traveling at the max posted speed limit of most states which is 65, and with the airbags intact and replaced due to the recall, the survival probability of survival is between 86 and 90%. The probability of sustaining no injury is only 17 to 21%. The probability of the car surviving is between 4 and 7%.
To put it in simply, the driver is likely to walk away alive but with cracked or fractured ribs (68%) or internal bleeding (23%). Also of note, most one car deaths from impacts with trees or telephone poles are from severe head trauma and ruptured internal organs. Thank Honda for their safety features and impact displacing crumple zones. The same scenario in some comparable cars of the same years are much worse.

Speed is everything. I watched a pair of women hit an oak at 40 mph with a 1972 Vega and only suffer a split lip (passenger). The oak was not even marked. But at 100 mph survival is nearly impossible because the aorta usually tears away from the heart. At 120 mph… Well, check out the video.

You can literally walk away fine if hitting an oak tree head on at speeds below 30mph as the car can have little more than paint damage. When you get up around highway speeds seatbelts and or airbags would do little to save your life as the force of the impact can push the power train through the firewall


Unpredictable. May be instant death. May survive and be a potato. May have your face or jaw ripped off and survive.

Depends on a few thousand other variables.

If you are doing 2mph you will probably make a little ding on the front bumber

Not enough information… How big and how old is the tree?

I'd not try it.



Depends on a few thousand other variables.

Pretty sure you would be dead… Screw that.


The oak was not even marked. But at 100 mph survival is nearly impossible because the aorta usually tears away from the heart. At 120 mph… Well, check out the video.