Why do some rich people by a Honda Civic or Chevy Cruz?

They could get a Porsche.

You don't get rich by throwing away money on things you want versus thing you need.

Why should they get a Porsche simply because they are rich? You think they should get a car they don't want or don't like, simply because they can afford it? That would be idiotic.

They're smart. The Civic or Cruz will do the same thing as the Porsche for a lot less money.

Not all rich people want to buy a Porsche or any other expensive car. They decide to drive what they want and in this case Civic or Cruz

Because some rich people didn't get rich by throwing away money on overrated German cars to impress other people.

You don't get rich by throwing away money on things you want versus thing you need.

They have more than one car.

Maybe they're just not that into cars. I'm not rich by any means, but I could afford to buy a new car. Yet, I choose to drive my 15 year old car. It runs just fine, gets me from point A to point B, and I would rather spend my money on other things that are more important to me.

Why do some "rich" people live in Omaha instead of Malibu? Ya know?

Most likely the reason they are "rich" is because they don't waste their money on things like Porches.

After a while you learn not to judge people by the car they drive. That guy in the old Toyota Hilux? He owns a couple of dairy farms worth about $10 mil. The other old guy in the VW Polo is a successful property developer and businessman, also worth millions.

Why are they rich? Because they spend their money on assets that made them more money, not flashy cars.

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