Down Shifting Motorcycle?

I'm new to riding bikes, been riding about a month now! My question is about downshifting. In my car, i rev-match downshift, because i feel like it puts less wear on the transmission. I tried it a few times with my bike, and it works great. However i don't know if it may be hurting my transmission. Can rev match downshifting be better or worse for bikes transmissions? Also side question… What rpm do you guys cruise at? I was told cruise right were the bike feels to have power. I usually keep it about 3500-4000 rpm. Its a honda 4 cyl btw… Thank

Yes, you should rev match when downshifting. That is how you are supposed to do it.

Most 4 cylinder bikes need to cruise at a higher RPM than 3 to 4K

My 2 cylinder Suzuki VStrom and my single cylinder KLR650 cruise better between 5 and 6000RPM. Same with the 4 cylinder Japanese bikes I've owned. Both run at about 6000RPM at interstate speeds in top gear.

Generally, most bikes cruise well at about 2/3s of red line or a bit under. But you should judge your individual bike for itself. You want to be at a high enough RPM that you have some acceleration, but not so low that you are lugging the engine when trying to accelerate.

You match the revs when downshifting for safety not the transmission. It can be necessary to stop the rear wheel braking the bike or even causing a skid.

Most 4 cylinder bikes DO NOT need to have over 4000 revs to cruise happily though some do

The smaller the engine in cc will generally mean higher revs to do a given speed in top gear compared to a higher cc bike

The number of cylinders a bike has does not determine the best cruising revs.One of my bikes will be doing an illegal 80mph plus at 4000 rpm in top gear so I will not be doing that will I:-)

You just can't generalise and put definite numbers on these things which will then suit all bikes

I have a Honda V4, and it cruises best at 4000 rpm. Freeway speeds at 6000 rpm, which makes me nervous on 30 year old steel.

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