Hi about 6 months ago i brought a new bike honda cbf 125 on finance and it is still under warranty?

About 2 weeks into me driving it felt there was something wrong with the clutch or gear leaver as it would sometimes won't let me shift up i told honda about this they told me in my first 600 mile service to tell them about it so i did
but they were convinced there was still noting wrong there as the problem only happened sometimes they could not see were the problem was (being honda i would of thought they would investigate it but didn't )

then the problem got worse and worse and finally coming up to my second service at 2500 miles i started to call head office saying threes still a problem there

any way after a long winded wait for calls and such from honda they finally accepted my claim request and i taken my motorcycle back to the garage yesterday to try and get it fixed i asked the mechanic how long will it be for me to get my bike back (as i was expecting to have it back same day )

They now have said they have to strip it down send part request forms off and wait for them to be accepted or not then wait for the parts to arrive to fit them from 7-13 days he said

i was hoping you guys would know if threes anything i can do about getting a replacement bike until its fixed as i start work at 4.00 am in the mooring and work 37 miles away from home with no chance of public transport or any other means of getting there

i really nee a replacement bike is this something honda can do as its not my fault its broken?

Assuming you are in the UK:

"i was hoping you guys would know if threes anything i can do about getting a replacement bike until its fixed…"
You can hire / rent one.

"… Is this something honda can do…"
Not at all.
Honda's (and the dealer's) only responsibility is to get your bike fixed within a 'reasonable' time, as outlined in the terms of the warranty. They have absolutely no legal or moral obligation to supply you with a replacement bike at all.

However, the dealer MAY offer you a courtesy bike, if you explain your circumstances and they have a machine available. There's no harm in asking, but remember, they don't have to offer you anything.

Hi you need to keep taking it back. Yes they will need keep it sometime to correct it. So you will need to make other arrangements whilst they have it.

Well that sucks i a tight **** but in this economy you have to bee and i don't see thee point of paying for a motorcycle if you have got it if they told me on the phone it would have been this long till i get it back i would of told them id pay for it myself its worth it to save the hassle of travel to work

and yes i'm in the uk

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