My car repossessed by Honda today?

Today my car was re-poed by Honda due to late payments on a leased vehicle. I have been able to come up with the passed due in full including late fee's along storage fee etc. Also, allowing them to take from my account monthly with a checking account which will guarantee the funds. I was told that I have to wait until tomorrow to hear back from Honda on their review. I begged & pled that they give me another chance. This has never happened to me before. I'm deeply scared that I will not get my car back due to this.

will Honda give me my vehicle back? Has this happened to anyone before and they got a second chance?

I'm so scared & worried…

Every case is different. Simply wait until tomorrow and see what happens.

If you are not able to pay one time or early, sorry, your feelings do not matter one bit. This is business and you were given a contract. Apparently you were not "scared & worried" enough when not making the monthly payment. What you did was to spend more money that if you had paid on time. Go figure. As to asking here for the "future?" Really? You expect an answer?

Well, You may get the car back but hopefully you learned a lesson.

Don't be late again.

Automatic draw does NOT mean you won't be late again, it might mean you just bounce a check and incur a fee.

The time to be scared & worried was BEFORE the car was repoed.

You can't ignore car payments & expect nothing to happen.

They may likely keep the car. They're not big on repo-ing and then giving it back. They contacted you for payment and you did not pay. You broke promises to pay and they exercised their rights as written in your lease agreement.

This is business.

Usually, cars are sent promptly to auction once they are repossessed. If they have not sent it to auction, then they probably will give it back to you if you pay for it in full. I can't think of a reason why they would not. I'm sure they would want it off their hands as soon as possible, without having to pay for storage fees.