When cheked dipstick of my honda aviator i saw clear water lik oil. Is that the colour of 4 stroke oils?

When cheked dipstick of my honda aviator i saw clear water lik oil. Is that the colour of 4 stroke oils?

New clean engine oil should be fairly clear, maybe a bit of a yellow or brown tint.

When it starts looking black and dirty, it's time to change it.

If you mean that the oil was translucent and absent of any color, that would be normal for a new oil just filled in the car. As you drive the car for 100kms, the oil will change to a bit darker tones. But originally new oil could be very light, almost lacking any color. That is certainly not the case for all brands and grades of motor oil, but it is definitely possible with low-grades sucha as 0w-20 and 5w-20, which many Honda cars use nowadays.