1998 Honda Accord Ex vtec. Wipers only work on high

Wipers only work on high setting. II setting. If i have them on and turn the switch off the wipers stop dead in their tracks. They don't return to the start position. So if i turn them off in the middle of the window, they stop right there The spray works but the wipers only turn on, on the higest setting.
What to check?
Where to start?
Multifuction switch? Fuses? Wiper motor?

Any idea where to start?
I can't afford taking it somewhere.

Wiper motor.

Hi so what do you expect from what is now a 29 years old car is the issue here. Of course it's worn out and has very little left to offer. Originally designed to last 8 years so well past it's scrap date.

I'd take the wiring harness connector off of the motor and use a test light or volt meter to make sure the motor is getting B+ on the low speed setting. If it doesn't replace the wiper switch if the wiring is ok. If there's power when the switch is on low speed OR the off position to park the wipers I'd replace the motor. You could run another ground wire to the wiper motor housing just to make sure you have a good ground.

Highly likely that the switch in the wiper motor or its gear box which returns the wipers to their park position is faulty. Generally they can't be repaired and a replacement motor unit will be required. These can be very expensive but it may be possible to get a used one from a car breaker at a reasonable cost.

Wiper motor control module usually found on the motor itself.