2002 Honda Accord brake lines have oil in them?

I have a 2002 Honda Accord. I took it in to get serviced and the tech said that someone had dumped oil into the master cylinder, which had "solidified" the brake lines. We towed the car home and bought a new master cylinder, proportioning valve, brake lines and wheel cylinders (for the back.) after disassembling the master cylinder and proportion valve, we took the brake hoses off of the front wheels. I cut one open to see the damage. The result? They were spotless. No corrosion, no deposits, and the line was flexible and good. However, the brake system is unable to bleed. Do you think there's a clog somewhere under the car in the metal brake lines?

No way to know without inspecting everything.

Sorry, but you got screwed. All you had to do was blow air through the brake line from the wheel side to unclog the line then refill the brake fluid and bleed.

I had a problem like that on my 1990 Ford F150. The left front brake line would not bleed. The problem was the bleeder valve itself was damaged. Replacing the bleeder valve fixed the problem!

Since you have the brake lines disconnected blow compressed air thru them and find out if they are clear?

Were the brakes working okay when you took the car in for "servicing"?
It sounds to me like you went to a quick lube joint and some high school drop out grease monkey sold you some work!

Sounds like no one knows what they are talking about and knows what they are doing? You do not let monkeys fix your can, monkeys sure can peal bananas, but leave it at that!