84 honda accord hard to climb in mountains?
When going over mountains I must now use full throttle. The car runs hot. It use to have more get up and go on the same hills. What is wrong?
The car is not gonna run properly if its running hot. Get to the root cause of the overheat condition.Non functional cooling fan could be a bad fan clutch(mechanical fan type)and a bad relay or fan motor can cause a non functional electrical fan. Make sure coolant is circulating through the radiator ok which indicates the water pump is working.Clean any debris out of radiator fins.A faulty radiator cap also causes overheatingThe sensor that affects the engine when it relates to a altitude change is the map sensor. Its supposed to be a set amount of volts or frequency for every 500 foot of altitude change so if it reads that the car is driving at an elevation of 2000 foot above sea level when its really at 4000 foot, air fuel mixtures will be way off which will reduce power.It can also cause overadvanced timing and a lean fuel mixture which could possibly increase engine temperatures.A defective ect sensor that reads a incorrect coolant temperature can also cause inaccurate air fuel ratios.
Carb needs rebuilding I bet. The vacuum actuator for the second barrel is probably shot and you only are getting air/fuel from 1/2 the carb. It probably is also running lean from carb issues, causing it to overheat. When was the timing checked? Valves adjusted? Plugs, wires, cap and rotor changed?
What's wrong? It's a 30 year old car with a weak 4 cyl motor that only produces 84 HP. A modern Accord produces 177 HP.
It's old, It's tired. It's weak.
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