95 Honda accord runs good then after about 15 mins it dies an won't start for about 15 mins then dies again?
95 Honda accord runs good then after about 15 mins it dies an won't start for about 15 mins then dies again?
I had a 1993 Accord back in high school that would do that. It wound up being a combination of a cracked distributor cap and some relay under the dash that would trip. It wasn't a very expensive fix from the local mechanic as I recall.
Something is getting hot and then not working could be a coil or other electrical component including the fuel pump. A diagnostic at a local trusted garage is in order.
- I'm nervous that I won't get approved again after 30 day loan expired? My score had dropped from 700 to 645 sadly. One dealer found me financing (Honda dealership) but the loan expired due to 30days passing.im going again to hopefully get approved again. Will it work with my score lowered to 645? Or should I try a few more places for 1st time car buyer loans by myself?
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- Car ran fine then wouldn't start, got a jump, now everything is fine again. What happened? '03 Honda Civic. Last 30 mins of work I sat in my car with the A/C on full blast and radio on, like I do everyday (and of course the car is running). I stopped at Subway after work. The car was parked for 10 mins. After the car would not start but the radio and dash board lights would come on, but it would not crank. Got a jump from AAA. Afterwards Auto Zone tested the battery and alternator, both passed. I has been a week now and no problems. What the heck could have happened?