97 honda accord 4 cyclinder vtec over heating?

My 97 accord keeps over heating. Due to other issues just about the only thing under the hood that isn't new is the motor and transmission. Ill drive the car and nothing happens. Ill come home and the next day ill drive it and park for a few hours and go back out to drive it and it starts overheating when i'm stopped at a redlight. But as soon as i start driving again it goes back down to normal. But that only happens if i drive it the next day. If the car sits for atleast a day it doant happen but if i drive it the next day it qill ovwrheat.

Time for a new car… It's 20 years old!

Have you replaced the thermostat? Could be a sensor that controls the temp also. Thermostat easiest. Could be a failing hose. If they are mushy when warm/hot, they need to be replaced

Water pump 'n thermostat. These should both be changed when the timing-belts are replaced (every 100k miles) . Verify this with the advisor/mechanic before giving him the keys.

So are you going to be a complete idiot and continue to over heat your motor until it's junk or get it repaired by a good mechanic?
I have no clue if you even have the ability to test the motor yet fix it. Sounds like not if you're still driving it and over heating it. Have you even checked the coolant level in the radiator? Can you see the coolant circulating when you run the motor with the radiator cap removed while the motor is at operating temperature? The temperature gauge is not accurate when the cooling system has air in it so it's likely you're always over heating the motor.

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