Any ideas on what could be wrong with my car?

I have a 2000 Honda Accord Lx. It had been squeeking when id stop a couple months ago. The noise was horrible. I thought it was maybe the brakes so i was going to get new ones, then i took it to get a car wash one day and after the car wash everything was absolutly fine. The noise just stopped. Well now the noise is back. It squeeks when i stop sometimes but especially when i brake and turn at the same time. I've noticed its worse when i turn the wheel. No idea if this means maybe brakes? Or what. I checked power steering fluid and it was normal. Any ideas on what it could be or why the noise stopped after taking it for a car wash the first time?

It could be your rotors theyay need to be cut or brake fluid and you can always take it to a mechanic theyll easily be able to determine if you need new brakes or not

Sounds to me like you need new brakes and calipers.

I would still guess the brakes too, maybe when you got them wet the squeak went away. I would also check to make sure it isn't the wheel bearings, jack the front of the car up and just shake the tire, make sure that there isn't any movement either up and down or side to side. If it moves then you need to change the wheel bearing.

Brake dust, sand, dirt, dust, grit.
The use of many materials in the "batch"
For that kind of pads. And then lash in the bearing(s)
That's why it happens on one car but not another so acutely.