Are my friends headlights too bright if he has been flashed 3 times already?

Recently he got a 2018 Honda Civic Touring.

He did not do any mods everything is stock, but since he got the Touring he got the LED headlights instead of the halogens because halogens are cheap he wanted the more expensive version.

I noticed even on new Honda Accord's the headlights are similar. It is one LED bulb with a bunch of reflectors, isn't that bad?

Why didn't Honda use projectors to control the light? He doesn't really get flashed that often only maybe because he probably hit a pot hole which raised his car and possibly made it look brighter than what it is. He has not been pulled over

Bright isn't the issue. They are AIMED too high.
In fact, the term bright isn't correct when referring to high beams. The difference between low beams and high beams is LITERALLY the height of the beam.

Brightness has nothing to do with it. His headlights are set too high.

Get the headlight adjusted properly.

Wanno know? Look for yourself at night. LED headlights are dazzlingly bright.