Around how much will I pay for this accident?

So today I was driving with my girlfriend and I parked. We decided to park closer to a store so when I backed out I hit his 99' honda accord ex. I was driving her 06' Mini Cooper. It was a minor accident and we exchanged info and all. I left a picture in this post so any if you guys can tell me around how much I will pay for the damage I caused. This is the first time this has happened and I want to get a taste of what's coming to me.Around how much will I pay for this accident

I think these other people are trying to scare you. No way that's more than $500, especially for a car that old. Have him get a few estimates, then decide if you want to pay for it out of pocket (if you have it), or let your insurance handle it. It could cause your rates to go up, so pay for it on your own, unless it's really high.

Insurance handle


You will pay exactly what a body shop charges to fix the car.

How in the world would you expect anyone here to know based on a picture?

I'm not sure about how much, but it all depends if you have a licence, the car is insured, but from the looks of it, it does not look much, maybe 1000 or 2000 bux will be fine, remember the car industry is a money making racket, they will take advantage of you, take it to the college or university, give it to students who are doing motor mechanics and let them deal with it, they will love to take these challenges, i always get my computers fixed at Uni with IT students. You might want to supply them with the paint though, way cheaper than going to be charged lots at the garage.

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