Best Car Insurance that suits me?

Planning on leasing 2014 Honda Accord EX Sedan.
I'm 18 but i want to get the insurance on my dads name who has his licence for 2 years only and has a credit score of 720. I called Gieco today and for my dad they estimated $1230/month which i think is unreal?!

Leasing a brand new vehicle for an 18 year old is simply not financially sensible. The lease rate combined with the full coverage insurance cost will be through the roof. Buy a vehicle that both you and your father can realistically afford.

You need to get real, like Geico already are! At age 18 you should be looking to buy a 2004 Honda for cash, NOT leasing a 2014. The used car will be much cheaper to buy and insure; because it's a Honda it should not require too much maintenance to keep reliable, at least up to 120,000 miles if you can find one in OK condition. Don't be riding your dad's coat-tails - become your own man by getting your own car and insurance!

That's not unreal. That's what insurance costs for a person where you live who has had a license for 2 years only and is the father of someone who is 18 with a leased vehicle.

Where you live, any insurance will cost what insurance costs for a person where you live who has had a license for 2 years only and is the father of someone who is 18 with a leased vehicle.

If you can't pay that, then don't lease a vehicle, or move to a place where insurance costs less.

Cost of car insurance depends on many factors.
You can check average cost of car insurance in your city at: HOWMUCHISCARINSURANCEINUSA.COM

You can't have your Dad insure a car when you will be the principal driver. That is insurance fraud.
Call around get many quotes, choose the best quote for you.
"unreal" is not a word.