Buying a 2005 Honda Accord coupe 170k miles?

Is it safe to buy a Honda Accord coupe with 170,000 miles on it, I'm a college student looking for buy my first car, something good to start with and reliable

That's a lot of miles i don't know

That's pretty high mileage, but the answer depends on how well it has been maintained and if it has been responsibly driven or abused. Therefore you need to find someone who knows a lot about cars to evaluate it for you. If it's a one-owner car and they have kept good records, that would be a good sign. If it has had multiple owners and there aren't decent maintenance records, and / or it has been driven a lot by teenagers, then it's not a good sign at all. So get some help with with a proper pre-buy mechanical inspection and road test. If you have to pay an independent shop a hundred or so to evaluate it, it's money well spent, especisally if it keeps you from buying a money pit, which most old cars are.

Hi so the facts are these the modern car is designed to last 7 years or 100k miles which ever comes first. So this particular car is well past both these crireas. So it will cost as much to keep this old car on the road if not more than buying a 3 years old car which would be now more reliable.