Explain to me the process of buying a car?

I'm a college student with a car already that my parents bought. I'm aware the smartest thing to do would just be to save up and keep this car, but it's just not what I'd like to do. I want to buy a 2008 Honda Accord Coupe. Can it be possible to pay for a car monthly while working a part time job? I live with my parents and I only pay for my gas. But if I end up buying a car I will have to pay that and the insurance. Also, this is a coupe meaning it's a 2 door car. I heard that insurance is more if it's a 2 door car and of course if they're young (i'm 19.) I live in Texas, don't know if that would make a difference but I've been also told that if you're paying for a car monthly you have to get full coverage for insurance. Can anyone explain to me this process?

1. Give money
2. Get car
3. Drive car
4. Get old
5. Die with a Lamborghini

There's a lot to know when buying a car, more than can be explained in an answer her. Do some research online and educate yourself first. Here's a site that might help:
