Can you get out of a car lease early due to a change in life, but willing to finance from same car company?

I having been leasing Honda's since 2006. I just leased a 2013 Honda Accord in January 2013. I took a 39 month lease. Well… I'm pregnant with twins and would like a slightly bigger car. I absolutely love my Honda Accord, but unfortunately the trunk is probably only big enough for the stroller. I'm willing to lease and/or finance another Honda. Will I have to pay big time fees? Any advice would be helpful!

You would owe huge if you tried to swap it for another car. And they would probably want a huge down payment to cover some of your remaining payments. (Most of them)

So, keep the Honda & pay for it or give it back & pay for it. But you can't get another car until you payoff that one.

No. If you can afford to finance, then you have no reason to get out of the lease. What more do you need beyond the stroller? A diaper bag. YOu don't need as much stuff as people think.

They will let you trade up, most likely, but it will probably be expensive. If you have twins, you need to watch the budget. Try the car you have for now and see if you can make it work rather than going for something bigger and more expensive when you may not need to.

As for fees, etc., depends on what your lease says.

I think Honda Accord will be fine for your twins for the time of your lease.

Talk to your dealer, chances are they will be happy to put you in a new car.

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