Car AC low pressure too high, drained it but still not working?

So I have a 2002 Honda Accord and I haven't used the ac in a year. It wasn't working so I figured it just needed to be recharged since it was so long. I got the recharge kit and when I messured the low port pressure, it was 110 psi. I drained the pressure by pressing it with a screwdriver and then filled it to 45 psi but it's still not working. What could be the problem? I can't take it to a mechanic so I don't want to hear that. What's the next step I can take to fixing this? How can I find out what the problem is so I can figure out what to do?

The compressor should be turning when you check it, or else you'd expect about 110 psi which is there when the car is off. If the clutch was engaged and the spinning compressor still read the same as when the car is off, then you have a seriously blown compressor. The auto parts store guy might advise you on the tools and parts you'll need to proceed from there. There are several reasons why a compressor does not engage when you turn on the AC system - usual suspects are bad pressure switch or bad A/C clutch fuse/relay. The fuse is easy enough to check, see youtube on how to test a relay. You can test the pressure switch by removing the plug to it, and jump the circuit with a paper clip or something in the wire harness just to see if you can make the clutch pull in. Obviously don't run it more than a second like this or you will kill the compressor with insufficient charge, but if the clutch does pull in all you need is a new switch and then resume the charging process which will complete once the compressor spins and produces suction on the low side.