Cost to replace new grill?
How much would it cost to repair or replace my grill. 2014 Honda Accord lx
I have a 2006 ford taruas and mine was 180 new
- Punctured tire replacement - can I replace only 1 tire - is it safe to replace the PUNCTURED tire only? My 2005 Honda Pilot rear left tire was punctured near the threshhold (ie - sidewall), but still usable. Thus the tire dealer patched it only. Should I replace that punctured tire only? Or should I replace the 2 tires on the same axle? Or even buy a whole set of 4 tires? I'm concerned about safety, and thus your best advice is very appreciated.
- How much should it cost to replace ignition? I own a honda prelude 1999, when i go to start it the dash lights turn on and the radio and i can turn the key which starts it but when i turn the key back to the position it would drive in the car shuts off. Also sometimes when i'm driving it stalls when it shouldn't. Do i need a new ignition or is it something else and if so how much would it cost in a mechanic shop to be fixed? And how much would it cost to just buy an ignition and do it myself?
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