Did I get scammed in this car deal?

I just bought a 2005 Honda Accord Hybrid yesterday with 115k Miles on it for $3500 from a dealer. The IMA check light was on and I asked what that meant and he said that the battery just needs to be charged. But when I got home I learned that the Honda Accord hybrid isn't even a plug in hybrid and that the battery is just dead which would cost thousands of dollars to replace. This was my first car I ever bought and I keep having panic attacks about it because I spent all my savings from the last 6 months on this car. I don't know what to do. Any help is great appreciated.

Take it back there and talk to them about it.

I would rnake thern pay you for the new battery, and if they won't turn thern in for scarnrning you

You didn't bother to get a used car checked out? Idiots like you are waiting to be taken advantage of.

3 day lemon law in some places. Take it back RIGHT NOW!

You learned an expensive valuable lesson… Next time have a mechanic inspect the car.

You did not do diligent research on the vehicle if you did not even know it was not a plug in hybrid. When the IMA light comes on, this is a sign of a problem in the Hybrid system. A little research would have told you this. If he told you that the light just meant the battery needed charging then he was lying. Take him to small claims court and demand a refund. Of course you must be able to prove in court that he lied and that he knew the battery pack was defective. In the future do research and never believe a car salesman. Before going to court get a detailed estimate of the repairs from a mechanic on their stationary. It is up to you to prove your case.

You should have 3 days to take it back for a full refund per the lemon law. Take it back today, right now.

It was up to you to research the car before you bought it, not after. You could have known that the car was not a plug-in. You could have known about batteries. Now, if this was a dealer and not a private seller, there's a warranty. Go back to the dealer and demand your money back unless they agree to replace the dying battery. If all the battery needed was charging, why didn't they do that? If they don't agree to replace the battery, then they will have to warrant that the battery won't fail for as long as the warranty you got lasts. That might only be 30 days. Read your state's Lemon Law to see what it says about the required warranty on a used car bought from a dealer, and if they won't honor that, then you'll need to pay a lawyer.

Next time, do the research. If a dealer pressures you to make a decision before you can do the research, walk away.

If there are ANY warning lights on in a vehicle on a dealer lot, NOTHING else is worth discussing. The dealer IS NOT reputable.

You are your own worst enemy.

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