Do you think my 1993 Honda Accord would make this trip?

We're traveling from Des Moines, Iowa to Cheyenne, WY and we really want to avoid getting a rental. I have a 1993 Honda Accord Stationwagon. It's never given me any problems, had it for 3 years now. What do you think about taking it on a long trip?

Added (1). the car has about 230,000 miles

Added (2). I'm not sure about the timing belt but the water pump was replaced right before I got the car 3 years ago. I do regular oil changes and nothing has ever been mentioned to me about it burning oil. Tires are old

The only thing I have to mention is since the car has 230K miles, check the T-belt. It's a good chance that the T-belt has been replaced with the water pump replacement 3 years ago. But it's not hurt to have it check.

Stop by any repair shop, some of them do it for free. But let them do an oil change and most of them will go to some general inspection and I'm sure when the technician see the odometer reading: He'll check right into the T-belt, it only take about 5-10 minutes to check the T belt condition, or just ask them to check during the oil change and he'll show the T-belt condition to you.

The other things to check before a long trip: Do some reading on these links:

Hope it help. HTH

Liverhuyen2003 has the first best answer. I would add to have the coolant and hoses checked, and of course the tires. Bon voyage!

I'd do a full tune up, spark plugs (NGK), spark plug wires (NGK) , air filter, oil change, oil filter, transmission flush, distributor cap, distributer cap button. If you do all this that Honda will b ready for another 100,000 miles trust me I've had 3 hondas, 2 was 1990 accords. And ran great long as I kept the engine up.

How old are the timing belt and water pump?

Does it burn oil?

How are the tires and spare?

Have a jack and lug wrench?