Does my car have Lifetime water pump?

According to the owner's manual, it says to *check* the water pump at 105k miles but doesn't say anything about replacing it.

So does this mean mine is good for life? I have a Honda.

Some water pumps last 400,000+ miles, while some tear up in a few years. Flush and change the radiator fluid according to the manual, and it will last longer.

Usually when a manual says to "check" something at a certain mileage that is because you are reaching the point where that device can begin to fail. The "check" is to see whether it is still good or needs to be replaced.

If they knew that the water pump was "good for life" there would be no need to check it.

It will be good for the life of the water pump

No. There's no such thing as a lifetime water pump. It will run until it fails. The one in my Honda failed at 159000.

No, water pumps usually do not last a lifetime. You check it at 105,000 miles which is typically about the time you do a timing belt replacement. If the water pump shows signs of wear, it's much cheaper to replace it then than 20,000 miles later.

On my WRX the first time I did the timing belt the pump seemed good so I left it. The second time, I changed the water pump as it had about 200,000 miles on it at that point, seemed prudent.

As far as i know. No vehicle made has a lifetime warranty on a water pump.

No such thing. It will fail. Usually starts with a slow drip, which most people ignore until it starts gushing coolant. And that always happens when they're far from home.
Don't ignore slow drips.

The reason it is telling you this is that at 105,000 miles you should have the cam belt replaced. It is common practice to replace the water pump at the same time you replace the cam belt which drives the water pump. This will save you labor costs down the road when the pump fails which it will. Unlikely it will last much over 105,000 miles.

Some water pumps last 400,000+ miles, while some tear up in a few years. Flush and change the radiator fluid according to the manual, and it will last longer.

You only replace the water pump if it fails or while doing a timing belt job as a preventive maintenance step.

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