Found a bunch of scratches on my new car that look like someone had keyed it and weeks prior to that, someone left a banana peel on the hood?

I recently bought a 2015 Honda Accord with 30K miles on it.

Some weeks back I found that someone had left a banana peel on the hood. Today I find that the left side, back door has been scratched as well as scratches above the fuel tank.

The door scratches are somewhat deep and look like someone used a key. But the scratches above the fuel tank in one place has paint chipping off, and in another place there are white or silver marks as if something rubbed off against it.

Honestly, I don't think this was done by accident. This seems like it was done deliberately.

Please give advise on what I should do.

Added (1). It feels like someone is deliberately targeting me.

Added (2). Pictures of scratches on door:

Found a bunch of scratches on my new car that look like someone had keyed it and weeks prior to that, someone left a banana peel on the hood

^In addition to the scratches, there are deep dents.

Pictures of the scratches, dents and scuff marks near the fuel tank:

Found a bunch of scratches on my new car that look like someone had keyed it and weeks prior to that, someone left a banana peel on the hood - 1

Repair the scratches before they rust. Park in a different place.

If you have comprehensive insurance, turn in a vandalism claim.

Park in your own parking place. Get a security cam to record the vandal. Don't beat the holy shight out of them yourself.

Get the car fixed at a body shop. And maybe you can start thinking about moving to a better neighborhood.

There's nothing you can do except look at your attitude toward everybody.
Are you the "TOOL" that no one wants to talk to because you are a JERK
Have you been "a smart @ss towards others"? They are hurting U back.
You got 2 make friends, not enemies if you want 2 get along in this world.
Or worse things are bound to happen and it affects only YOU.
Bummer but that is LIFE