Honda Accord making awful sound when driving it?

Honda Accord making awful sound when driving it?

Added (1). Hi I have an 08 Honda wondering what this sound can be it coming from what i hear from the front end of my car it sound like when a metal is hitting another sound really bad in the morning when it hasn't warm up but only does it when i drive other than that it does it really do it that often. I recently got my back brakes down mayb like a week ago but beside that i don't know how this sound came about. I know i need to get it taken to a mechanic but since ima girl i don't wanna

Added (2). get scammed into fixing other things that arent and end up getting overcharged

Added (3). get scammed into fixing other things that arent and end up getting overcharged

Popular with all honda accords is the power steering
Check the fluid and then see if the sound happens louder if the car is turned
If so get a mechanic for rack and pinions

Take to mechanic.