Honda Accord transmission is shifting funny?

So here's the deal: Car is a 2000 Honda Accord 4 cyl, 4 speed auto with 165K miles. When I'm first driving the car in the morning, the car hangs in first gear a little bit longer than it should. Usually it comes out of first gear around 2500-2800 rpm, but lately it revs up to over 3000 rpm for no apparent reason before shifting. When I start the car up in the afternoon after work, it doesn't seem to have that problem. I only notice it in the mornings. The trans fluid is fine, it only has about 10K on it. Does anyone have an idea of what the problem might be?

Did you use Honda ATF or Honda approved ATF? Not sure? Just replace it with Honda ATF. Any code(s)? Is the CEL or the D4 light stay on or flashing? The CEL flashing mean the vehicle has misfire problem. The D4 light stay on or flashing mean the transmission has serious electronic or electrical problems or hydraulic problem like the torque converter. Either CEL or D4, the problem(s) need to be addressed, diagnose to find out the cause(s) and repairing the cause(s) correctly to avoid the same problem come back and haunt you.

See this video:

See my answer to another member who has shifting problem:

Let alone the slipping transmission, when you replace the ATF and see clutch materials in the fluid: The transmission is toasted and need to be rebuilt or replace. Any use of the transmission adtitivies, (Lucas oil is one) or Friction Modifier. Etc. Is a waste of money and it's just "A patch up" job. The problem will come back. Rebuilding or replacement is the only way.

Now, the transmission is not slipping, just having shifting problem then there are sensors, valves, solenoids, TCM or PCM for the power train will affect the opration of both engine and transmission: They are: IAT, ECT, IACV, FICV. Etc. All need to be diagnosed and see which one(s) is the cause(s), this requires the know how of the system. Beside the sensors that may be the cause(s), the most two common failed things are the shift solenoids and the TCM (Transmission Control Module. The least cause would be the TPS cause I've seen TPS rarely a cause of the problem. Shift solenoids should be top on the list.

This is how to test the two shift solenoids:

EDIT: And the video:

So hope I have given to you some ideas what you'll have to look into. Let a pro do it for you if time is not permit you to do so. E mail if you have any more question or need more help. HTH

While I agree with the others, note that that vintage Accord was plagued with automatic transmission issues. Mostly V6 models but there's a TSB from Honda about issues on the 4 cylinder model too.

Until its warmed up the car will idle higher and the computer has it in the choke and warmup cycle on top of the fluids being cold and flowing differently. If youre not rushed just let the car sit and warm up for a few minutes before you put it in gear and keep your foot out of it at least for the first couple of miles, thats good practice with any vehicle. Also replace the air filter if its old, that can affect the warmup cycle to.

The difference between morning and afternoon temps are maybe thirty degrees around my part of the country and that temp will have no effect on anything, maybe it is the operator.

Maybe because the car hasn't warmed up enough. Mine is only 2 years old and it acts like this as well. Mine has a problem downshifting as well when it's cold

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