Honda accord v6 or 4 cylinder?

I have a 1996 honda accord v6 and i love the feeling of driving it because it drives like a powerful car. I have had numerous newer cars on the highway try to race me or speed back up to me after i initially pass them. Usually they are cars like mustangs, chargers, and etc. But i still hold my own and it is a great feeling lol

But i want to know the difference between the late and mid 90's 4 cylinder and v6 honda accords… What are the pros and cons of each and what is really the difference(add as much detail and be specific as you can please)?

which one has has more longevity v6 or 4 cylinder?

Which car accelerates faster?

what normal maintenance can you do that is not to expensive that can add more torque or acceleration/speed to your car?

and are new versions of my car or any car in general have about the same speed and accelerate about the same but just better exterior and interior design, or the newer versions of cars are just clear cut faster?

You pretty much know the answer to some of your questions. There's no substitute for horsepower and the V6 has more, so it will accelerate quicker. It will not be any faster as the speed it computer governed at 120 mph with either engine. Your 1996 V6 has 170 H.P. And 165 ft/lbs of torque. Torque is what you feel when you take off. The new 2014 Honda Accord V6 has 278 H.P. And 252 lb/ft of torque. It doesn't take a scientist to figure out which will be quicker. The 2014 Honda Accord 4 cylinder has 185 H.P. And 181 lb/ft of torque which means it is actually quicker than your 1996 Accord V6. As to reliability there's really no difference as either engine will last over 200,000 miles if maintained properly. The only real difference is that the Accord 4 cylinder from 2003 and up no longer has a cam chain that must be replaced at 110,000 miles like you 1996 model. Honda switched to a cam chain that requires no maintenance and should last the life of the engine. V6 still uses a cam chain. There's not allot you can do to increase power short of very expensive modifications that would cost plenty. But it can be made to have more power and be much quicker. There's an old saying, "Speed costs money, how fast do you want to go?".