How hard is it to change a rear main seal on a 98 Honda Accord 2.3 liter and what would be the charge on having it done?

How hard is it to change a rear main seal on a 98 Honda Accord 2.3 liter and what would be the charge on having it done?

The transmission has to come out for that. The charge varies from one area to another but suffice to say that the amount of labor would equal at least the price of another 1998 Honda Accord or equivalent used car. This is the kind of repair that is only cost effective for someone who can do it themselves.

I'll bet you the valve cover gaskets are leaking.

Change out the PCV valve and check that the line is good first. Check all the other oil seals that are higher after that.

Yes… If you don't know what you're doing, it IS a hard job, and you're likely to screw up the car. It's ALWAYS cheaper to pay a professional to do the work right the first time, instead of having to fix your mistakes.

If you want to know what it will cost to have it done… ASK THE MECHANIC who will be doing the work!

It's very difficult for the driveway mechanic. You have to raise the car high enough to drop the engine and transmission out the bottom. Probably a grand for parts and labor.

You'll have to have it on a lift and pull the transmission out using a jack and using a support to hold the engine in place. We do rear main seals on Honda's every now and then. Find a local shop at ATRA.COM for a estimate

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