How much would it cost to convert honda accord 2000 dx 4 cyl to manual? - 1

I want to convert my car to manual what are the things I need and how much it cost?

This qestion (for different cars) comes up a lot. The short of it is it is always much cheaper to sell the car you have and buy a manual car. If you buy a wrecked donor car you can do it for under $1000 parts prices (besides the donor car), but you have to do the labor yourself. As one professional pointed out, the shops lose massive amounts of money if they have a car using up lift space for long.

About half the cars I have heard people trying this on never get back on the road - the owner runs out of money. One guy said he put over $8000 in it and had to junk it. He couldn't even afford to change it back.

From what I've read, around a thousand for all the parts. Transmission, pedals, shifter, mounts/hangers, wiring harnesses, ecu.