How to get super cheap car insurance?

To make a long story short we've paid £2000 with Mother as main driver and me (her son) as a named driver on a 2005 Honda Accord Sport CDT-I Diesel. It's hardly a Rolls-Royce!

I was hoping to buy a new car and get my own insurance but the insurance on our family car is eye-watering if i got it for myself with quotes around £3300.

I guess i will have to put off buying a nice new car until i'm more insurance friendly but how do i do this?

I've been a named driver on my mothers policy for 12 years, I'm a teacher at a local school which takes me under 10 mins and 1.2 miles to get to. I had one accident the year I passed and not a single scratch on any vehicle i've ever driven since including work vans, company cars and have never had a driving conviction of any sort.

I'm an internationally experienced driver and if i can survive Indian/Pakistani roads and the Swiss Alps then why can't they just give me an advanced test or something and bring down my car insurance. I know I'm ranting but I just don't want to extorted and the frustration of having to share a car with family at 30 is humiliating.

How do I make myself super insurable?

You don't. There's no 'easy' or 'cheap' way of beating the system.

You just have to do what every other driver with no no claims bonus does and pay up. If you don't claim you'll get a discount after a few years, that's how it works.

And be aware that if you try and deceive them, they take fraud VERY seriously.

You thought you were beating the system for 12 years by illegally putting your mother as main driver on your insurance. Now the crows are coming home and you are starting your insurance with zero no claims bonus instead of the 80% you could have claimed for 12 years accident free driving.

Usually, these days, if you want cheap insurance you can purchase a classic car (A car over 20 years old). There are also at times some guidelines for those to, like you have to be over 25 years of age or have at least 3 years no claims bonus etc etc. It doesn't always work however, but it's worth a try.

Simple way to get cheaper insurance is build up no claims bonuses, like everyone else. Also shop around for insurance, use online comparison websites, GoCompare or CompareTheMarket etc.

You can't. They know every trick in the book.

Your experience in India and Pakistan doesn't make you more insurable, it makes you more dangerous as far as insurance companies are concerned.

No insurance company will ever admit this, but they all know it: People with foreign driving experience (especially in Asia) are almost guaranteed to crash into something before the insurance contract expires. Because most of them do. They'll never ever say that's what it is, at least not when anyone is listening, but that's what it is.

You can blame the insurers if you want, or you can blame the wave after wave of people with foreign driving experience who couldn't get 30 feet down the road without crashing. Doesn't matter who you blame, that's the reality you're facing.

Only experience, domestic experience, will bring your insurance prices down. Unless you lie to the insurer (which invalidates the whole contract once the truth comes out, which it always does when an accident happens), you're stuck.

Contact an insurance company and ask. Don't ask about your international experience. People who are cocky about being able to drive on the edge are not good insurance risks. Ask about a price. Ask what discounts area available. In the US, many companies offer discounts if your commute is short. They can also tell you which cars will be cheaper to insure.

Bro, you can't get over insurance. Try State Farm

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