I drove about 2 miles with my hand brake on, is that bad?

I accidentally drove my 2005 Honda Accord with hand brake on. I realized that after I got home. Right now it is not showing that my car got damaged but I'm still worried.

It tell you it need to be adjusted.
the car should be very hard to drive with it on.

It puts more strain on the engine and wares your break out but other than that you're stupid but fine

Actually not that unusual. Next time the front brakes get checked, have to rear brakes checked also.

If you notice your brake pedal pulsating up and down when you brake you warp your rear brake drums, you may just be able to have them cut and resurfaced if not you'll need new drums

I hate to admit, but ERIC is pretty correct.
You have no idea how many times I do that myself.

A parking or emergency brake is not intended to slow you down while moving. That's why you could drive with it on. A parking brake is for PARKING. It is to secure your car from moving when the car is stopped. Parking brake was first designed an dused back in early 20th century when every car was manual tranny, and had a clutch that some people would NOT engage when parking the car. Sometimes the car would then move, so they added a parking brake to prevent the car from drifting.
Some parking brakes are adjusted so tightly that it actually does stop the car if moving. But usually, when you drive off, the brake merely makes the car move little slower.

You're okay by driving a few miles with it on. It will have heated up the rear brakes because that's where the parking brake works. It pulls a wire that connects to both rear drum brakes and lightly sets them. If it would have been bad, you'd have smelled something burning (the rear brakes!) and also seen little bit of smoke.

So it's okay to drive again. Just try to remember to release the brake when you take off.

Don't worry about it, move on. As long as the e brake still works.