Should i drove my 96 honda accord lx with 140,000 miles on it from long island new york to tampa florida? I ask cause i'm moving? - 1

Should i drove my 96 honda accord lx with 140,000 miles on it from long island new york to tampa florida? I ask cause i'm moving from new york to tampa and am unsure weather i should pay to have it shipped or just drive it there

WEATHER - outside atmospheric condition.
WHETHER - deciding between 2 or more choices.

WHETHER you decide to drive or ship is up to you. But if the vehicle is currently in good condition and the services up-to-date, it will likely make the trek.

Drive it there

Buy a new car when you get there. Its 21 years old… If not, see what it will cost to ship. Do you want to chance a break down, driving 1400 miles? Be safe, have a good trip.

Aslong as you have serviced your Honda regularly and it is in good shape there's no reason whatsoever that it will not make it just fine. Only you know what shape it is in. 140,000 miles is not that much for a Honda that has been taken care of.